GLOBAL SOUTH COLLOQUY (GSC) is a nonprofit independent online discussion platform of the Institute for Global South Studies and Research (IGSSR) committed to foster studies and research in International Relations, Politics, Public Policy and Political Economy (IR) from a Global South perspective.
We are committed to providing an independent platform for scholars, policy makers and social activists to discuss and debate on Global South issues and challenges.
We wish to give information, analysis and insights into issues of both Global South countries and unfolding developments internationally. GSC also provides a platform for young scholars to delve into theoretical and empirical issues of the Global South.
Scholars and policy analysts are welcome to write to GSC. Commentaries, review essays and analyses can be submitted to the GSC Editorial Collective in the following mail;
Commentaries and analyses should not exceed 1000 words. Extended commentaries and analyses can also be submitted. Publication is subject to the approval by the editorial collective of GSC. A short biosketch(of 25-50 words) of authors should be attached with submission.
GSC is also reposting other commentaries and articles of contemporary relevance with due acknowledgment. GSC Collective is grateful to the authors who have given permission to repost their articles published in other sources.
Editorial Head: V. Mathew Kurian (KN Raj School of Economics, MGU, Kottayam)
India Office: GSC Collective, Nerul East, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai-400706