I consider the world was in an interregnum from 1990 to 2001. A bipolar world dominated by the West and the Soviet Union ended. A triumph of liberal democracy did not ensure world order. There were disorders at domestic and international levels. Political fault lines and internal conflict had repercussions on foreign and security policy in the world. The momentum of an open society was accelerated by democratic changes. Enemies also showed their heads up. A political commentator remarked on the unipolar and unilateral power of America, unconquerable and dominant in world affairs. But the world did not find stability with the end of the Cold War. There was balkanization in the erstwhile Yugoslavia, conflict in Afghanistan and other raging hot wars in West Asia. In many political societies, political, economic and cultural issues came to the fore. Samuel Huntington talked of the Clash of Civilizations. Others counter-argue the dialogue and diplomacy to bridge the gap between the East or the West or the North or the South. 

Countries started to realize their power once globalization and its aftermath commenced since the World Trade Organization came into existence in 1995. Neoliberal policies came under severe rebuke from the left-wingers around the world. Conservatism or hawkish groups were engaged in pursuing power politics for their benefit. Social justice and inequality were at the forefront of the political economy in crises. The Left front criticized vehemently the capitalist or corporate world neglecting the have-nots. Terrorism created irritants to the hegemon. In 2001, America was assaulted by elements that had grudges against its domination or preponderance in regions where theocratic pursuits were propounded.

I think from this attack the world was set in reorder. The New Millennium had a turning point to find powers emerging in world affairs. Regional powers were rising and some large countries were vying against the Western bloc, particularly America and Europe. Germany and France, the stewards of the European Union promoted unity and integration. The United States of Europe is in the political imagination to be a credible and alternative power bloc to the United States. Regional groupings were emulated in other regions and sectors around the world before the Cold War. Whether states were large or small they tried to leverage and manipulate to suit their national and international interests. Liberalism got modified into illiberalism due to awakened human conditions when policy did not serve them or their political leaders. Critical theory was realized in many democratic countries. Jurgen Habermas and the Frankfurt School was a favorite indoctrination of left thinkers for emancipation and riding off the dregs of capitalist democracies.

The Global North and the Global South in 2023 are on a clear trajectory of bloc power politics alternative to the Western-led international order. There are tensions and conflicts between the East and the West too. In this one world, with universal aspirations and democratic urges, there are common interests and divergent opinions on international and global policy. De-risking or decoupling policies are in the settings. World interdependence and interconnectedness are in the vogue. So with categories of citizenship, illiberal temperament is on the rise. Poverty, sustainable development and environmental concerns are the main agenda without frontier. Migration and global public health issues touch the rich and the poor countries. 

The post-Western world has intractable problems and issues that need finance, technology and rich human capital. The global divide needs to narrow down and the global prosperity reaches every corner of the globe where freedom, liberty and democracy are followed. The remnants of authoritarianism versus the democratic societies are on the world stage. A framework of governance and economics could not get traction well due to internal and external determinants however the international or development partners assisted to fix the state. 

Good global governance is a must to respect the principles and purposes enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The only refuge to the powerless countries is in multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Activities in such fora can achieve democracy in international relations. Political principles that are in domestic society have universal features irrespective of different identities. But there are temptations of great and large countries to exercise power politics, domination and spread spheres of influence.

In the coming decades, there are crises in politics and trends and transformations of society into critical phases. As old issues are piling up and new issues are cropping up, existent mechanisms have to respond to these pending needs, demands and interests. Until or unless the gravity of the situation is not examined and solutions-based actions are not undertaken, there is not much to get to the receiving ends of the state, government and global community.

I can say that democratic consolidation and principles of good governance are to be realized to achieve the rule of law. Political society must heed to deliver diplomacy to foster cooperation and harmony in times of anger and wrath within and between. The domestic situation has to stabilize and the international level is conducive to ensuring a balance of democratic power politics. A mixture of liberal or ideal or moralpolitik and realpolitik is a strategy to achieve a positive sum game in the world that is in reorder. 

A win-win situation can relieve many of the contradictions in political economic order where the existence of voices and voiceless, the strong and the feeble and the loud and the silent are acknowledged. And conflict mediated and prosperity furthered with a boundless optimism wherein truth is upheld and trust is earned. Hope in the world in reordering is where human dignity and human security are in letters and spirit imbibed and followed. To be precise, democratic order is the real world in reordering.