Corruption cases, issues and matters are rife within the country and worldwide. While international relations and diplomacy preoccupies foreign affairs, domestic problems and challenges to government and governance have local and global phenomena. In this regard, corruption is a paramount challenge to the nation’s integrity expanding the globe and wider governance at the international level. Intergovernmental organizations also face similar risks and maladministration as we similarly encounter such policy and decision-making vices in domestic governance. It is pertinent to talk about and trigger good global governance so that stakes of liberty, democracy and integrity are maintained at the global level among states, non-government, civil society and private business enterprises. There are numerous strategies against corruption at the national and international levels issued by the government, global civil society and business integrity initiatives. But to glimpse a cursory theme and overarching interests in domestic and international governance, I tried to contemplate this pressing issue so that fine-tuning and sharpening strategic actions foster as well against the scourge of corruption. There are country reports and global reports issued annually. Anticorruption stakeholders have to pay attention to recommendations and suggestions for global public policy application on this common problem of global governance at the apex level in the world.
I like to give an example of leadership in the democracies that propagate and advocate anticorruption laws of the government to the wider international society. America and Europe are at the forefront of its design, template and blueprint. Meanwhile, advanced laws are in place or anvil in the offing in the Non-West, and global leadership must be as serious as ever in this domain of global governance too. Besides diplomacy, politics and justice among nations, good global governance evolves, grows and develops in the conjecture of this millennium and beyond. I surmise the retrospective future of the comity of nations under global contract theory towards the convergence cum dissonance of interests in determining world reorder based on liberty, justice and truth. Prospects and prognosis of global government may not represent the peoples of the world but elected governments do voice and raise awareness to make the global democracy inclusive, representative and just. While democracy and authoritarianism tussle, the currency of history bends towards governance and government giving impetus to open societies and an open world. Contemporary politics have features of liberalism but illiberal traits of critical thinking are making it otherwise. I believe critical action is needed utmost and endeavors have been in that direction since 1945 in the aftermath of the Second World War and the ingenuity of the United Nations and specialized agencies.
Education, health and welfare, or human development are not the only mission of a country but it is the global aspirations of many disadvantaged nations across the world. It has been a challenge in the West and Advanced Industrial Countries too where natives and immigrants demand pressurizing the resources towards austerity measures and sustainable development as well. To take an example of the green economy and climate change, clean access to resources is still unavailable. In the meantime, war and conflict erupt because of corruption and bad governance. Defence integrity is also another daunting challenge to maintain when the hardware and software of goods and services are prone to corruption. Similarly, infrastructure issues demand integrity everywhere to endure till its expiry of use. Energy security is a prime task too where pilferage and adulteration can be undertaken by miscreants. Illicit poaching and trafficking are yet another global issue without a frontier. Disaster management is another sector where corruption risks from the donors, public resources and civil society are likely to witness. Passports, and identity issues of refugees, immigrants and laborers are no less immune to global public service and global goods. Media and information integrity are catchwords of times when misinformation and disinformation fact-checking is a must. So coming to the salient features of corruption at the level of analysis manifested from local, national and international levels, governance crises and problems are wider and intense in scope writ large at the global level.
1. Expand and deepen stakeholder coalition with strategic anticorruption and organizations – national, international and global coalition partners towards corruption-prone free society, government and governance across the world.
2. Realize or translate into adherence to anticorruption laws, policies, rules and regulations.
3. Consolidate global integrity system under the aegis of global governance – comprising pillars of government, non-government, civil society and private sector.
4. Include clean, resilient and robust international economic relations via the global trading regime of WTO and dispute settlement mechanisms. Curb corruption-prone risks in trade, business, industry and commerce enhance corporate social responsibility.
5. Promote a genuine international development where a sustainable economy grows, develops and prospers.
6. Narrow the global divide in economic, financial and technological access.
7. Pursue global justice in alignment with national justice.
8. Maintain the rule of international law.
9. Cooperate, coordinate and consult frequently on the status of the global anticorruption plan of action, implementation and enforcement across stakeholders – government, civil society organizations and business groups, and international and global society.
10. Review, update, learn, upgrade and fine-tune global anticorruption strategy and legal frameworks.
11. Monitor, caution, warn, optimize and manage monetary and financial sectors and a proactive and a priori risk management of corruption-prone transactions at national and international level.
12. Get right to information and amenities of global public service, goods and resources.
13. Put global administration of inter-governments, non-governments and MNCs/TNCs clean, lean and sound abiding global code of conduct.
14. Follow ethical conduct in global civic duties, responsibilities, rights and freedom.
15. Maintain good global governance.
16. Ensure inclusive, just and equal societies across the world and citizens.
17. End xenophobia, racism and discrimination in international citizenship.
18. Promote democracy in international relations.
19. Listen, feedback and improve global public policy templates.
20. Insert, inculcate and imbibe local and global concerns, stakes and interests valid, evidence-based and true.
21. Promote a bonafide global citizenship aware of global civic culture, decency and decorum acknowledging pluralism and diversity.
22. Maintain integrity in global statecraft, law, order, peace and security.
23. Reform regional, continental, intergovernmental, nongovernmental and business organizations at the global level towards ethics, integrity and good governance.
24. Heed lessons of world leadership and world history in this domain of anti-corruption.
25. Record flaws, improvements, achievements and mission in global anticorruption.
26. Oversee mainstreaming and streamlining of global good governance in tandem with national good governance.
27. Forge solidarity to routine, regular and constant check and balance of demands, needs and interests of local and global society across governments and governance on anticorruption.
28. Frequent watch, alertness and raise alarm bells on digression on global anticorruption through advocacy and campaign via multiple mediums and emergency and contingency stakeholders.
29. Review timely global strategy on anticorruption and global governance.
30. Establish norms and values of international law, order and security by enhancing the deep and wide scope of global anticorruption and good governance.
Anticorruption at the annual celebration is filled with pledges, promises and commitment, translating clean, lean and good governance at national and international levels is unmet satisfactorily or likings of stakeholders. In this despondent situation, campaigns, advocacy and anticorruption solutions and knowledge application focus can relieve the burden of emerging global democracy and global good governance. India, Nepal and China in the region have their governmentality to address and redress this problem but substantial change, reform and improvements are always in perpetual need to achieve a corruption-free state and society. Diplomatic conflict and cooperation are the norm in world affairs whereas anticorruption is the pivotal issue towards good global governance. Anticorruption is an imperative action to undertake it as a vociferous and strong leadership agenda among stakeholders. Good global governance is the key to a better and brighter future of overall governance integrity under the aegis of the democracy matrix. Global politics inclusive of this battle is an important trailblazer to Generation X with Generation Z reaping integrity dividends.