FAO is gearing up to respond as needed, based on its experience with previous disasters in Tonga and elsewhere Rome - With the full picture of damage and needs after Tonga’s massive volcanic eruption and tsunami only gradually emerging, what is...
IN colonial times, the peasantry had to borrow from private moneylenders. According to Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee reports, these moneylenders in turn borrowed from commercial banks. But while disbursing credit to the peasants and charging exorbitant interest rates, the...
 THERE are a number of misconceptions about Indian agriculture which, if not removed forthwith, can have potentially adverse effects on the ongoing kisan agitation against the three farm laws. The first of these is the belief that corporate encroachment...
In 2016, when food safety issues arose and the Government of Bhutan announced a ban on the import of chilli peppers, or ‘chillies’, from the traditional suppliers, the country was left baffled. Chillies have been used extensively in the...
IN its systematic attempt to vilify the farmers’ movement against the three infamous agriculture bills that open peasant agriculture to corporate take-over, the government keeps using the argument that the opposition to these bills is confined to farmers only...
KANCHA ILAIAH SHEPHERD On January 6, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India sent an email to, perhaps, all Indians who have email accounts with a statement released by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I got this email...
The kisans gathered around the Delhi border have unerringly put their fingers on the real issue confronting them, namely their very survival as peasants. Till now there was an arrangement in the country which, though crumbling under the impact of neo-liberalism,...
Arjun S Mohan The Government of India brought in three ordinances in the first week of June 2020 that sought radical changes in the country’s agrarian market. The Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (promotion and facilitation) ordinance redefined the ‘trade...
THE kisan agitation has become more than simply a fight for MSP or against the corporatisation of agriculture. Through its practice, it is recovering a narrative that is opposed to the hegemonic narrative promoted under neo-liberalism. And as the...
IN the context of the on-going country-wide kisan movement for repealing Modi’s three agriculture bills, while an overwhelming majority of commentators have stood with the position taken by the kisans, a few, though not necessarily agreeing with Modi, have...