The current pandemic has brought to the fore, and with exceptional clarity, the fundamental contradiction underlying contemporary globalization, namely, the contradiction between the interests of finance and those of the people. Indeed this contradiction, which characterizes the era of...
The regional entity in South Asia—South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC)—seems to have a new lease of life with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, taking an unexpected initiative to have a Conference of the leaders of...
In the wake of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) UN High Commissioner, Michele Bachelet, has filed an intervention in the Supreme Court petition challenging the constitutionality of the Citizenship Amendment Act, as she is critical of CAA. Responding to her,...
Changes in estimation methods have of late made statistics on the Indian economy increasingly bewildering; besides, whenever the statistics show the performance of the economy in a poor light, the BJP government simply suppresses them. Nothing however can suppress...
Vakkom Moulavi, a pioneer of Kerala renaissance and founder of Swadeshabhimani is being recognised for the first time in his hometown, Vakkom—in the district of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, the South Indian State—with a Memorial and Research Centre. Vakkom Moulavi Memorial...
THE National Statistical Office (NSO) has decided not to release the quinquennial survey data on consumer expenditure for 2017-18. This is because these data, leaked by The Business Standard (November15) show a drop of 3.7 per cent in real...
By Reji K. Joseph and Thankom Arun ‘Start-up’ has now become the buzzword in the policy circles and discussions on innovation. They operative at a higher end of the innovation value chain. The new technologies provide a lot of opportunity...
Two decades ago, the BRIC economies were projected to surpass the advanced G6 economies by the early 2030s. Today, the huge potential of the BRICs prevails, but the pace has slowed and country trajectories have diverged....
WITH the government being forced to withdraw from the RCEP agreement, an argument has arisen: if India is not competitive with other countries in producing a whole range of goods, which is why the producers of such goods within the country objected...
The Ayodhya verdict of the Supreme Court is no doubt ‘inevitable’ in ending the long drawn out battle between ‘beliefs’ and ‘facts.’ While categorically stating that the demolition of mosque in 1992 was a violation of law, the apex...