A recent 27-year, four million-tonne liquified natural gas (LNG) Qatari export agreement with China, the longest in gas export history, highlights different Gulf state approaches to navigating big power rivalry between the People’s Republic and the United States. Widely seen...
After two consecutive quarterly declines, global trade in goods and services rebounded in January-March 2023. However, the outlook for the rest of the year is grim. The latest Global Trade Update from UNCTAD reveals positive trade growth for goods...
By KANCHA ILAIAH SHEPHERD June 25 is the 92nd birth anniversary of the almost forgotten Mandal Messiah On June 25, a celebration meeting of V. P. Singh’s 92 birth anniversary meeting has been planned by several pro-social justice organisations at the...
Image credit Francisco Anzola via Flickr CC BY 2.0. Nelson Mandela is deified everywhere. But typically missing is an account of his early years, when he insisted that Marxism be responsive to South African conditions. In the extensive mythologizing of Nelson...
It's said Emperor Nero played the fiddle while Rome was burning. Historians have pointed out that the story is baseless. The fiddle was not there in Rome during Nero's time, and his favourite instrument was the lyre. When the...
Photograph Source: Michael Galpert – CC BY 2.0 Ghosts of Fascism The long shadow of domestic fascism, defined as a project of racial and cultural cleansing, is with us once again both in North America and abroad. Educators have seen the...
Ramzy Baroud Photograph Source: Vox España – CC0 Europe keeps reminding us that geopolitical interests trump ideology. European politics is the prime example of how states and political parties are willing to ditch their very ideological foundations to hold onto power, even...
A draft bill in the US House of Representatives that would strip PGA Tour, the organizer of golf’s flagship events, of its tax-exempt status because of its merger with a Saudi-backed rival spotlights the pitfalls of American and Saudi...
Photo credit: West Observer Alain Touraine, a highly revered French sociologist who died on June 9, was widely recognized for his profound insights and scholarly contributions in the realm of Social Sciences. Touraine's intellectual acumen transcended geographical boundaries, leaving...
When jailed Turkish politician Selahattin Demirtas apologized for his pro-Kurdish party’s poor performance in recent Turkish elections, he did more than take responsibility. Mr. Demirtas implicitly questioned the notion that Turks vote primarily along ideological and identity lines rather than...