Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and others have been comfortable for over two decades. Post-9/11, international attention focused on perceived Islam problems that supposedly breed violence. What turned young Muslims into suicide bombers? What drives militancy and the willingness to sacrifice one's...
Except in war-time, capitalism invariably seeks to control inflation by creating a recession; and this is so even when the inflation has been caused by an autonomous increase in capitalists’ profit-margins which are downward inflexible and hence would not...
World politics is getting polarized with America and the West in one camp and authoritarian giants like Russia and China in the opposite camp. Meanwhile, India, Turkey, South America, African continental powers and other developed countries are middling either...
Image Source: Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt – Public Domain Ever so rarely, the human species can reach accord and agreement on some topic seemingly contentious and divergent. Such occasions tend to be rarer than hen’s teeth, but the UN High Seas...
THERE is an overwhelming asymmetry between the level of “development” and the possession of natural resources among countries of the world. Take the group of most advanced countries, the G-7 comprising the US, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan...
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has now moved the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it has been to the symbolic time of the annihilation of humanity and the Earth since 1947. This is alarming,...
By Justin Podur In January 2023, after five police officers killed Tyre Nichols, President Joe Biden quickly issued a statement calling on protesters to stay nonviolent. “As Americans grieve, the Department of Justice conducts its investigation, and state authorities continue...
India has been racked by Intercommunal violence, fueled by the rise of Hindu nationalism, represented by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, by far India's most popular politician, and his ruling party, Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP, and Mr. Modi's, Hindu...
The series of protests that political parties and public servants have threatened over the coming days, weeks and months has the potential of making Sri Lanka into a virtually ungoverned nation into an ungovernable country. In turn, this can...