The American Administration released its strategic report on security and defense on October 12 and 27 respectively with the former strategy with 48 pages by The White House in Washington D.C. Joe Biden in his foreword remarked that the...
FOR the first time ever, the annual rate of inflation in the Eurozone, measured by the Consumer Price Index, has reached double digits: it exceeded 10 per cent in September 2022, up from 9.1 per cent in August. Energy...
Nepal is undergoing a republican democratic experiment with a harsh political, economic and social legacy. Liberal and democratic aspirations had intensified before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Liberal democracy, thus, began three decades after...
Photo Credit: The Cradle This first appeared in the Cradle Vector politics in Ukraine has added new dimensions to the 222 day-old conflict. Typically, any conflict behavior should end when a new balance of powers has been determined. But the ‘balancing...
By Mahdi Blaine Photo Credit: Dubdem on Flickr CC BY 2.0. As a child in the 1960s, my mother would routinely pass a secondary school on her way home in downtown Algiers named Lycée Frantz Fanon. To her, the name was...
By David Barsamian – Noam ChomskyCover for the book Notes on Resistance by Noam Chomsky and David BarsamianDavid Barsamian: What we are facing is often described as unprecedented — a pandemic, climate catastrophe and, always lurking off center stage,...
If ever there was a blatant statement of realpolitik masquerading as friendliness, the latest US-Pacific Island declarationmust count as one of them.  The Biden administration has been busy of late, wooing Pacific Island states in an effort to discourage increasingly...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is simultaneously speed dating and playing on multiple diplomatic, religious, and economic chessboards. The latest feather in his crown, his appointment as prime minister, aims to ensure that he can continue to do...
THE cessation of natural gas supplies from Russia to Europe in retaliation against Western sanctions imposed on Russia because of the Ukraine war, is threatening Europe not only with a winter with inadequate heating that will take a big...
Living in a pluralist society with a bit of courage and confidence is anything but comforting today. A major reason is the role of self-styled ‘agencies’ with ascriptive claims of representation. South Asia has an array of such organizations...