The Taliban's comeback in Kabul, after two decades, lends credence to a statement of sovereignty, autonomy, and independence of statehood in international relations. Geopolitical rivalry cannot be tantamount to supremacy or superior footing in vulnerable and sensitive geography in...
Photograph Source: Ukrinform TV – CC BY 3.0 “We have not yet seen a level of systematic deprivation of life of the Ukrainian people to rise to the level of genocide.”  – National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, April 4, 2022. Here we...
The tremors of the United States’ tensions with Russia playing out in Europe are being felt in different ways already in Asia. The hypothesis that Ukraine is a part of Europe and the conflict is all about European security...
Given that Sri Lanka has a post-independence history of episodic JVP militancy in 1971 and 1987, there is concern about the direction the street protests may take, writes N. Sathiya Moorthy for South Asia MonitorNothing explains the Sri Lankan...
IN the five days ending March 26, petrol and diesel prices in the country had been hiked four times, with more such daily hikes in the offing. On each occasion the hike had been by 80 paise per litre,...
By Prabir Purkayastha with the peace talks recently held in Turkey or the proposed 15-point peace plan, as the Financial Times had reported earlier, the fallout for the dollar still remains. For the first time, Russia, a major nuclear...
The ‘stray incident’ (?) involving rioting and arson outside President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s Mirihana house should be an eye-opener for all stake-holders, starting and ending with the Nation. The situation can worsen with the sporadic protests across the nation that...
By ULRIKA MODÉER and TSEGAYE LEMMA We are learning every day how quickly our world can change. New challenges are coming faster and with more severity, but each underscores the same reality: that we are all connected. The world was clinging...
BY STANLEY L. COHEN Cartoon depicting Theodore Roosevelt’s Big Stick interventionism – Public Domain Down with all colonial policy, down with the whole policy of intervention and capitalist struggle for the conquest of foreign lands and foreign populations, for new privileges, new...
THE juggling which US imperialism has to do to maintain its hegemony becomes more bizarre by the day. First, it kept needling Russia (“provoking the bear”) “on behalf of the western alliance” by expanding NATO to its very borders,...