The delegations of Ukraine (L) and Russia (R) at the third round of peace talks, Brest Region, Belarus, March 7, 2022
Belying the predictions of western media, Russia’s special operation in Ukraine is entering a successful endgame on the political...
“These people are not people we are used to… these people are Europeans.”
– Kiril Petkov, Bulgarian Prime Minister, Associated Press, March 1, 2022
In the history of accepting refugees, countries have shown more than an erratic streak. Universal human characteristics...
Photograph Source: Andre VVine’o’smokeroff – CC BY 2.0
Economic sanctions are like the siege of a medieval city. Siege engines batter at the walls and hurl missiles over them, but it is all a slow business. Those suffering the most...
49th session of the Human Rights CouncilUrgent debate on the situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggressionStatement by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
3 March 2022
Distinguished President,Excellencies,Colleagues and Friends,
One week ago, the Russian...
THE security concerns of Russia arising from Ukraine’s intentions of joining NATO have been widely discussed in the media. But the IMF’s link with Ukraine which is a parallel issue has scarcely received much attention. The IMF, as is...
Putin’s war machine has entered the capital Kyiv, Ukraine, to take over an independent, sovereign, and autonomous space in the Eurasian Theater. In this hour of armed hostilities, the Ukrainian President has the responsibility to defend the territorial integrity...
Photo Credit- Wikimedia Commons
The guilty can be devious in concealing their crimes, and their role in them. The greater the crime, the more devious the strategy of deception. The breaking of international law, and the breaching of convention, is...
Photograph Source: ZomBear – CC BY-SA 4.0
As the Russian Defence Ministry warned people in Kyiv that it was about to strike targets in the city, the country’s targeting of government, security and communications facilities is likely to be expanded and to...
Ukraine is about much more than the security of one sovereign nation. The battle for Ukraine is a battle for the new world order.
In that battle, Russian President Vladimir Putin is living up to the worst expectations of Western...
Photo credit- Reuters
Russia’s military has moved into Ukraine despite threats of sanctions repeated ad nauseum by President Biden and other leaders of the West. Obviously, the repeated threats of sanctions have not made any difference to Putin’s behavior. ...