In Tamil Nadu recently, Gen V.K. Singh (retd.), veteran Army chief and Union Minister of State for Transport and Highways, declared that the Centre was making ‘sincere efforts’ to retrieve Katchchatheevu from Sri Lanka — and it would take...
India’s vision of becoming a $5-trillion economy is intricately linked with an innovation-oriented approach to economic growth. In this present crisis-hit world, while most countries are looking inward, India should use this opportunity to build its innovative capabilities to...
by Rasna Warah The 60s, 70s, and 80s are often described as the Golden Age of Indian cinema and Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu had a large number of cinemas devoted to showing films made in Bombay. East-African Asian influence on cinema...
In a departure from the past, the Rajapaksa leadership has kept its options yet open on the UNHRC resolution that would be taken up for vote in the upcoming session, commencing this month and going past mid-next. Going by...
IN its systematic attempt to vilify the farmers’ movement against the three infamous agriculture bills that open peasant agriculture to corporate take-over, the government keeps using the argument that the opposition to these bills is confined to farmers only...
by IUCSSRE News “India has been facing a tough challenge in creating decent jobs for its growing young population in the country and the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated the job challenge in India,” according to...
For Sri Lanka, big ticket foreign investment matters right now more than at any time in the post-Independence era. Overseas investors would be keenly watching the Sri Lankan Government’s handling of the much-maligned Indian private sector funding for the Colombo...
South Asia Analysis Group Paper No 6733 - 15 January 2021 (SAAG in arrangement with Eurasia Review and Sri Lanka Guardian) (FILES) This file picture taken on February 25, 2012 shows the Italian oil tanker Enrica Lexie, which berthed at Cochin...
As always, India-baiters in Sri Lanka’s strategic community and foreign policy commentators, missed the real significance of last week’s visit of External Affairs Minister  S. Jaishankar from the northern neighbourhood – still harping on Cold War era diatribes which have...
KANCHA ILAIAH SHEPHERD On January 6, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India sent an email to, perhaps, all Indians who have email accounts with a statement released by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I got this email...