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Philosophy and Social Theory

Ted Christopher The unfolding problems with science’s materialist understanding of life are obviously noteworthy in and of themselves, but the associated potential support for dualistic/religious beliefs is particularly significant. Beyond a number of behavioral conundrums, the general problem facing the...
“I scroll, therefore I am” ~ James LadymanIn the age of virtual realities, social media and artificial intelligence, the resurgence of certain new forms of Cartesian scepticism profoundly challenges our understanding of reality and what it means to be...
Joachim Bromand Ludwig Wittgenstein’s remarks on contradictions and paradoxes have been met with incomprehension and have fueled the widespread and long-standing prejudice that his later thoughts on the foundations of logic and mathematics are the “surprisingly insignificant product of a...
From Postmodernism to Metamodernism Christina Aziz asks whether metanarratives still matter, and if so, how. In reaction to the religion, tradition and romanticism of earlier eras, ‘modernism’ was the name given to the broad movement of ideas, art and architecture that...
By Rainer Forst On June 18, Jürgen Habermas, who has had a lasting impact on the humanities and social sciences at Goethe University, turns 95, and our academic community, of which he is still an active member, sends its warmest...
by Robert Hunziker Image by Matthias Heyde. I recently attended a family affair in Upstate NY and was informed that climate change articles, like this one, are too negative, causing close relatives to shutdown and going so far as to ignore...
by Monika Zgustova Still from Orson Welles’ The Trial (1962). In the late 1980s, still during the communist era, while visiting Prague, a friend gave me Franz Kafka’s ‘The Castle’ in Czech. It was an edition from the 1960s, the decade...
Cathlyne Joy Alvarez-Abarejo Truth is vaguely conceived in the method of the Philosophy for Children (P4C) program’s Community of Inquiry (COI or CPI) either as “discovered,” implied as objective and universal, or even “generated” or something subjectively and relatively...
Photo credit: West Observer Alain Touraine, a highly revered French sociologist who died on June 9, was widely recognized for his profound insights and scholarly contributions in the realm of Social Sciences. Touraine's intellectual acumen transcended geographical boundaries, leaving...
I still believe that bad theology can do harm, if not immediately, certainly in the long run…I am inclined to be more reticent and restrained while speaking about the mysteries of God’s revelation….I know theology is not divinity; to...