A recent wave of violence on both sides of Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip resulted in more than 17000 deaths of Palestinians and 1200 Israelis. The world witnessed a pleasant moment when a seven-day truce released hostages and prisoners...
Politics around the world suggests two major features: nations either adopt autocratic methods or engage in democratic practices. The foundations of politics start with human nature and the state of nature. Human nature encompasses both positive and negative aspects....
I consider the world was in an interregnum from 1990 to 2001. A bipolar world dominated by the West and the Soviet Union ended. A triumph of liberal democracy did not ensure world order. There were disorders at domestic...
By Steve Taylor and Orin Langelle Photo CreditValued for its termite-resistant wood for building purposes, pulp to create products like writing and toilet paper, and its oil, which has numerous health and household benefits, the eucalyptus tree generates big business...
MANY economists have been advocating a universal basic income for India, an idea that was mooted even in the official Economic Survey for 2016-17. Of course the practical proposals towards this end have varied, some suggesting a common universal...
Photograph Source: Michael Galpert – CC BY 2.0 Ghosts of Fascism The long shadow of domestic fascism, defined as a project of racial and cultural cleansing, is with us once again both in North America and abroad. Educators have seen the...
Photo credit: West Observer Alain Touraine, a highly revered French sociologist who died on June 9, was widely recognized for his profound insights and scholarly contributions in the realm of Social Sciences. Touraine's intellectual acumen transcended geographical boundaries, leaving...
A witness of politics around the world and its carnival poses a pertinent question of why politics has failed or has not. Ben Ansell in a thought-provoking book entitled Why Politics Fails: The Five Traps of the Modern World...
A New York Times News Service report reproduced in The Telegraph of Kolkata (May 7), discusses the findings of a global public opinion survey carried out by the Bennett Institute of Public Policy of Cambridge University. These show that...
Middle Eastern battlegrounds are alive and kicking even though rivals seek to balance contentious relations. Take efforts by the United Arab Emirates, and more recently Saudi Arabia, to bring Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in from the cold in a bid...