First it was the finance secretary who said that if the government borrowed less then more savings would be available for the private sector to borrow. Then it was the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India who...
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of the captivating figures of modern India, has a number of facets to his complex personality. His long career as teacher of philosophy at Madras Presidency College, University of Mysore, University of Calcutta, University of Oxford,...
2 October 2019 is observed as the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. This year is extraordinary as the world is celebrating 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi. Indian masses respect him by calling Rashtrapitatha, after leading the Indian masses in the...
My childhood memories of a broken Buddha sculpture spawned a bewildering array of questions—long before I came to know about the greatness of the apostle of Ahimsa. We were told that the sculpture, made of...
Vakkom Moulavi, a pioneer of Kerala renaissance and founder of Swadeshabhimani is being recognised for the first time in his hometown, Vakkom—in the district of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, the South Indian State—with a Memorial and Research Centre. Vakkom Moulavi Memorial...
In an interview about how she views the last 75 years of India’s independence and what sort of country India has become, Romila Thapar unfolds her mind with sharp insights.
The state and society of Kerala continue to evince multiple social complexities notwithstanding the much-touted feats in human development. One of the critical challenges of this complexity is the phenomenon of social exclusion, and it still remains problematic for...
By Reji K. Joseph and Thankom Arun ‘Start-up’ has now become the buzzword in the policy circles and discussions on innovation. They operative at a higher end of the innovation value chain. The new technologies provide a lot of opportunity...
Living in a pluralist society with a bit of courage and confidence is anything but comforting today. A major reason is the role of self-styled ‘agencies’ with ascriptive claims of representation. South Asia has an array of such organizations...
By Parvathy Devi. K For PDF Version Read Parvathy-K-GSC-July-2021-Download Background COVID-19 pandemic has been taking a heavy toll on migrant workers in countries of destination by exposing them further into situations of exploitation. Many employers took advantage of this situation, and the...